
2024-02-14 09:06:11

How to Say “Volleyball” in English

In English, the word for “volleyball” remains the same: volleyball. It is a straightforward translation from Chinese to English.

排球的英语怎么说, 排球的英语怎么说怎么写的? ( 图 1)

Writing “Volleyball” in English

To write “volleyball” in English, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by writing the letter “v”.
  2. Add the letters “o-l-l-e-y” after the letter “v”.
  3. Finish by adding the letters “b-a-l-l” after “o-l-l-e-y”.
  4. The final result will be “volleyball”.

Article Summary

This article explains that the word “volleyball” remains the same in English as it is in Chinese. There is no need to change the pronunciation or spelling. The word can be written as “volleyball” in English by following a simple step-by-step process.
